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Public Information

Health Information Week is a national, multi-sector campaign to promote high quality information. High quality health information can have a huge impact on your ability to stay healthy and manage illnesses effectively, giving you a better quality of life.

What to ask to find trusted health information

There are a few simple questions you can ask yourself when looking at health information:

  1. Where did the information come from? Who produced it? Was it the NHS or a trusted charity or health organisation? Is the information relevant to the UK?

  2. How current is the information? When was it published or last updated? Health information changes over time – make sure it is up to date.

  3. Is it easy to use and understand?

  4. Is is based on multiple evidence reviews or case studies? Look for clear references.

  5. Why has it been produced? Is it to inform or is there an agenda? Is the website profit driven?

It it is also a good idea to cross-check information. This means looking to see if it is repeated by more than one reliable source.​

Trusted sources of health information

One of the easiest ways to get reliable health information is to use trusted sources. If you see something online always check the source.


Below are some sources of trusted health information:


You can also look for quality standards on the information. These include:

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