We have updated the resource list for the quality marks theme for Health Information Week 2021.
The new resource list includes an updated link for the PIF TICK quality mark.
A new public website for the PIF TICK will officially launch on Monday 5 July – the first day of #HIW2021.
A link for the new site has been added to the resource list ahead of the launch to help you plan your activity.
The website address for the new public website is www.piftick.org.uk. It includes:
Links to all members via a directory
Advice on how to find trusted health information
Videos from patients explaining why trusted health information matters to them
Case studies from member organisations explaining why they signed up
Explanations of what 'evidence-based' means
Answers to common questions about the PIF TICK
A plain language summary of the TICK criteria
The resource list also still includes a link to the main Patient Information Forum (PIF) page which gives organisations more details about the quality mark assessment and criteria.
Quality mark resources can ensure that all materials one uses are credible and reliable; hence, it keeps maintaining the levels of standards created on the projects from academics. For students operating in the area of details such as research topics in psychology, a Psychology Dissertation Writing Service can help and drive this work to academic standards.