We saw lots of great events and activities during #HIW2022. Now is a good time to take stock, and to reflect on what went well and what you would do differently next time.
Why not share what you’ve done on our website? This means other people can learn from what you’ve done and use it to improve their future Health Information Week events.
Please send any local evaluations or descriptions of your #HIW2022 activities and events to: healthinfoweek@gmail.com Please state whether you are happy for the evaluation to be shared on our website with other evaluations at healthinfoweek.wixsite.com/healthinfoweek/evaluations
The national team would also value your feedback on the support we’ve provided this year. Last year, you told us you wanted gifs, and more information on the benefits of Health Information Week. We provided the gifs, and set up a webinar to give some examples of Health Information Week activities.
To tell us what we can do to support you more effectively next year, please complete the survey at www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/HIW2022/ The survey will close on Friday 9 September.
We look forward to hearing your feedback!